Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Honda 600RR rebuild - Day 3

Took everything off the bike expect for forks, frame, and swing arm. Positioned the new motor to mount while using wood underneath to protect the engine in case I drop it. I had a friend help me try to prop the motor up to the mount points so I can bolt it on, but it proved to be difficult.

Then I get the bright idea of dropping the frame onto the engine and bolt it on directly on the floor. Worked perfect. Had it bolted on in 15 mins. I was missing a few bolts and spacers so I ordered a whole bolt & nut set from a supplier for 45 bucks shipped. Included every bolt, nut, spacer, axle, even the tool kit, horn, and misc stuff in the deal.

Right after this is when cops seized the gixxer and had absolutely the worst day in my life. After that the cops took the bike away, I was pissed as hell so I tried to cool down and started walking. Next thing I know I walked 15 miles in the middle of the night and ended up at a friends apartment and got drunk. I didn't work on the RR project for months.

Then in the summer I was dealing with the legal issues, which cost me even more money and grief, and in after the 1st court date, they ruled some bs crap and I got it continued. Then I blasted out of the court room, again pissed off and walked some 10 miles that day again. When I started to run, my right knee kept giving out so the next day I went to the doctor and got an MRI. Then I found out I had a torn ACL, actually I had no ACL because the ligament was dead and my body dissolved it.

So I got knee surgery on both knees in August, which happened to be 4 days before my next court date. All pissed off again, I decided (stupidly) to go in person and tried to get it dropped (had my parents with me) as I was recovering; still on crutches and all hyped up on oxycodone. We get to the court house and found out my parents hired a lawyer against my wishes (which actually was a good thing) and ended up getting it dropped. But only after I went through lots of pain and waiting at the court house for over 4 hours in my condition.

And the worst part was that because I had knee surgery, I couldn't bend my legs and couldn't sit down. I remained standing using my crutches for most of the time until some helpful police officers noticed me and helped me lay down in the adjacent empty court room. Cops are the nicest; down to earth people, but DMV and the court system can go fuck themselves in the ass.