Thursday, January 25, 2007

Premium Parking

Was pretty bored at work and had this great idea... Since I have the temp handicapped tag for my car, I thought of some funny pictures. As bikes are already small and easy to maneuver for parking, this is like 2x the premium parking bikes could get... lol

Monday, January 01, 2007

Honda 600RR rebuild - Day 10

Test fited the fairings on and one or two bolts aren't aligned correctly after finding out a few of my mounting brackets are bent. So I pretty much zip tied the whole mess together. I also got the Jardine slip-on exhaust on (not pictured) but it sounds pretty good. It bit loud for fellow riders when I took it out for a test spin new years eve, the maiden voyage. Felt pretty good.

The one big problem right now is that my brake light is always on. Something either wrong with the relay for the front or rear brake. Other then that, its going pretty well. Still need a new left mid and lower piece, but I can fix the ones I currently have.