Thursday, March 02, 2006

Wrecked the 600RR

Wrecked the shit out of the RR right at the start of spring break. Sucked ass. And I had my jacket with me and was being stupid, doing stunts. So I decided... "hey, let me try stand ups" and then it got really hot so I took the jacket off... 5 wheelies later.. flipped it going 15 mph. Half of the wreck was caught on film. Apparently I landed on right knee, but it went so fast and I don't even remember what happened. next thing I know, I'm on the ground saying "CRAP! wtf happened to my bike"...

I managed to tweak the subframe, crack the engine block, bent the radiator, broke the front stay bar, smashed the right-clip on, master cyclinder, and right assembly. But it was a good thing I didn't have any plastics on and the new headlights (had old crappy ones...)

Went to the hospital the next day and they said that my knee was just swollen and will go down. I took some Vitamin E and covered the road rash and the rash healed up in 3 days. No joke. I have a fast metabolism. So I stored the bike in the garage trying to figure out what to do with the RR. Around the same time, I picked up a 2005 gixxer 600 for 2400 that I was going to fix up and track. But I decided to fix it up for my friend and resell to rebuild the RR.

When I tried to get the gixxer titled about two months after the wreck, I find out that it was stolen and all of the documentation I had was forged... On top of that, the DMV fucking throws me the law book when I'm down on the count. When I found out it was stolen, I thought he said it was a stolen recovery and I was thinking there had to be some sort of procedure to get the bike processes... What a big surprise there. At least the Local Apex cop was more down to Earth and helped me out. I actually met him before so he knows I had some credibility. BTW, I'm an eagle scout and tried to explain that to the DMV, but he really didn't give a shit about anything. Looked like he made some big career mistake and now ended up working for the DMV.

I also helped the officer out by giving any information about the guy that I bought from in Charlotte. Name, vehicle description, email, I even traced his emails back to his house, but that proved to be no luck. The DMV fucker never contacted me back if they ever found the guy. I should call back, but I really don't give a shit anymore.

So I'm left with a broken 600rr, 2400 out of cash from the gixxer, another 1000 bucks of gixxer parts that I bought on ebay that I had no use for, and on top of that I had all this legal bull shit from a DMV cop that was not polite who kept threating me even though I was polite and tired to reason to him. And on top of that, I had some issues with my right knee but wasn't aware at the time I had a torn ACL. Took 6 months to be properly diagnosed. Went through a bit of a depression about that time.